The CompTIA Security+ SYO-501 & SYO-601 exams covers the fundamental skills that you need to master to properly secure a network. SYO-501 expires on Saturday, 31 July 2021, but SYO-601 is available!

Here are the six domains that SYO-501 covers:

  1. Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities
  2. Technologies and Tools
  3. Architecture and Design
  4. Identity and Access Management
  5. Risk Management
  6. Cryptography

Here are the five domains that SYO-601 covers:

  1. Attacks, Threats and Vulnerabilities - 24%
  2. Architecture and Design* - 21%
  3. Implementation* - 25%
  4. Operations and Incident Response - 16%
  5. Governance, Risk and Compliance - 14%

* SYO-601 Domains #2 and #3 also include the following subjects:

Since SYO-501 expires on Saturday, 31 July 2021, we recommend studying for SYO-601.

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Last updated 08 April 2021